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Natalia Rose
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Natalia Rose

International awards winning artist Natalia Rose challenges the conventional separation between the realm of memory, and the real of experience. Exploring dimensionality through layers of color, her compositions radiate power and command attention as her paintings navigate themes of identity, exoticism and culture and the idea of the stranger.

My paintings do not depict things which I actually observe, but rather what I recall from the past, and more accurately, what I wish to see.

Drawing from historical and cultural imagery, Ms. Rose weaves a map of identity that intermingle Eastern and Western ideals of beauty, as well as mythologies. Ms. Rose's primary interest is in pictorial phenomena: the illusion of a three-dimensional space, composition, and the optical effects of color. Believing that color stimulates a conversation between tone and texture, between motion and shape, Ms. Rose's rainbow-hued palette dances on the canvas as she transcribes life's events through hue, shape and motion. Passionate color and vibrant texture are parlayed into chimeric, non-figurative compositions which metamorphose into a visual dialogue of dazzling color and line. Brilliant and emotive, Ms. Rose translates onto canvas with a syncopated beat the magnificence of our world.

International anerkendt kunstner Natalia Rose maler sine dynamiske, moderne og farverige malerier til at sætte ”ord” på følelser og tanker. Intense, koloristiske billeder, hvor enkle linjer og farvekombinationer afdækker et semiotisk indhold med en bred skala af historiske kunstreferencer. Mine billeder er ikke det, jeg rent faktisk ser, men det jeg husker og har lyst til at se... Flere billeder kan bag de voldsomme og energiske farvelag virke ufærdige. Undertrykkelsen af detaljer er et bevidst valg. Det giver billederne en dimension, hvor beskueren er med til at skabe fortolkning og betydning.

Vær den første til at se Natalia Rose's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Spring Awakening, 2021 af Natalia Rose
100⨯80 cm (H⨯B)
10.000 DKK
Light Show, 2023 af Natalia Rose
80⨯80 cm (H⨯B)
10.000 DKK
Foolish Moon, 2018 af Natalia Rose
150⨯100 cm (H⨯B)
50.000 DKK
Red Line, 2021 af Natalia Rose
80⨯60 cm (H⨯B)
9.000 DKK
Cyndaquil, 2022 af Natalia Rose
40⨯40 cm (H⨯B)
3.000 DKK
Summer Dream, 2015 af Natalia Rose
130⨯90 cm (H⨯B)
40.000 DKK
Spring (Forår), 2020 af Natalia Rose
90⨯70 cm (H⨯B)
9.000 DKK
Nature Morte with Melted Gold, 2022 af Natalia Rose
80⨯80 cm (H⨯B)
9.000 DKK
Kalimera, 2022 af Natalia Rose
140⨯100 cm (H⨯B)
25.000 DKK
The Birds are Singing, 2022 af Natalia Rose
130⨯90 cm (H⨯B)
18.000 DKK
Flower Power, 2019 af Natalia Rose
120⨯120 cm (H⨯B)
45.000 DKK
Quo Vadis, 2020 af Natalia Rose
80⨯80 cm (H⨯B)
10.000 DKK
Dancing Trees, 2020 af Natalia Rose
90⨯70 cm (H⨯B)
Happy Hour, 2020 af Natalia Rose
90⨯70 cm (H⨯B)
Lilacs, 2020 af Natalia Rose
60⨯60 cm (H⨯B)
Golden Strait, 2024 af Natalia Rose
120⨯100 cm (H⨯B)
15.000 DKK
Sweet and Sour, 2019 af Natalia Rose
80⨯65 cm (H⨯B)
Burning Tree, 2018 af Natalia Rose
80⨯60 cm (H⨯B)
Spring Turmoil, 2020 af Natalia Rose
70⨯60 cm (H⨯B)
Golden Autumn, 2020 af Natalia Rose
100⨯80 cm (H⨯B)
The Nest, 2018 af Natalia Rose
60⨯60 cm (H⨯B)

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Udstillings Datoer


2019 - London Art Biennale 2019, London UK 22.05 -26.05.2019
2019 - Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York USA “Salute to the Stars” 05.05-14.06.2019
2019 - Viviana Puello Gallery New York USA “Top 60 Masters 2019” 26.04-05.05.2019
2019 - Art Nordic 2019 “The Power of Nature” 05.04-07.04.2019
2018 - Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York USA “Salute to the Stars” 05.05-14.06.2018
2018 - Art Nordic 2018, Copenhagen “Kaos og Kosmos” 20.04-22-04.2018
2017 - Annual Dutch Art Fair 2017, Amsterdam Holland 13.10-15.10.2017
2017 - Gallery Bredgade 22, Copenhagen “Abstrakte Malerier” 17.07-22.05.2017
2017 - Art Nordic 2017, Copenhagen “Abstract Paintings” 28.04-30.04.2017
2016 - Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre, Paris France 21.10-23.10.2016
2015 - Gallery Bredgade 22, Copenhagen “I” - Malerier” 09.09-22.09.2015
2014 - Politikens Boghal “Boghalen ser rødt” Copenhagen, Denmark 10.02-10.03.2014
2010 - Professional Artist
1977- 2010 Worked theoretically and practically with the written and spoken word, journalistic and IT prior to moving focus to creating art
1983 - 1986 Studied Film History and Danish Language at Copenhagen University, Cand. Phil./ Master of Arts
1981 - Emigrated to Denmark
1970 -1977 Studied Philology and Literature at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philologist

Prizes and Awards:
2022 - Finalist of Artavita Contest with theme 'Hope', USA February 2022
2021 - Art Olympic Prize, Italy December 2021
2021 - Contest Finalist World Wide Art Magazine #8
2021 - Power of Creativity International Art Prize, Contemporary Art Curator Magazine
2021 - Excellence Award Circle Quarterly Art Review Contest, Circle Foundation for the Arts, France
2021 - Collector's Vision International Art Award Contemporary Art Curator Magazine
2021 - International Prize Dante Alighieri, Italy 15.03.2021
2020 - Artist of the Future Award Contemporary Art Curator Magazine
2020 - Honorable Mention Award Circle Foundation Art Ideal Magazine Contest
2020 - Excellence Award CFA themed contest, Art in the time of Coronavirus & Social Distancing
2020 - Certificate of Artistic Excellence CFA online contest June 2020
2020 - Certificate of Excellence in the 36th online Art contest 'Important World Artists, Vol. 4 Book
2020 - Artist of the Year Honorable Mention Award 2019 Circle Foundation for Arts Online contest
2019 - Certificate of Excellence in the 32nd online contest “International Contemporary Masters” Book 13
2019 - Honorable Mention Award Circle Foundation for the Arts online contest
2019 - 30th International Artavita online contest Art Award Jan. 2019
2019 - International Prize Botticelli Florence, Italy 09.02.2019
2019 - Artist of the Year Award 2018 Circle Foundation for Arts Online contest
2019 - Art Tour International “Top 60 Masters 2019” 26.04-28.04.2019 New York USA
2018 - International Prize Caravaggio - Great Master of Arts Milano Italy 07.12.2018

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